Welcome to a webinar on 15 of June aimed at increasing the understanding of the European human rights system and facilitating an exchange between different actors. The seminar will consist of two parts: The first on the possibilities and challenges that the European human rights system offers, and the second putting the system to the test by using the example of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A report on the subject will be launched at the seminar.
When: Wednesday June 15, 2022, in English with subtitles.
Time: 10:00-12:00 CET.
Where: Zoom. Please see information on how to register below.
A wide group of actors will approach the subject from different perspectives, including:
– Olena Sapozhnikova and Anastasia Martynovska, representatives from the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.
– Andrea Huber, Head of Human Rights Department at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
– Anna Rogalska Hedlund, Lawyer with experience of litigating before the European institutions.
– Carolina Vendil Pallin, Researcher at the Swedish Defence Research Agency.
– Helena Vazquez Sohlström, Head of the Department for Governance at the Folke Bernadotte Academy.
– Hanna Gerdes, lawyer specialised in the fields of human rights and international humanitarian law at Hanna and Goliath Law and Education, will facilitate the seminar.
How to register: If you wish to participate, register at info@humanrights.se. Please include: First name, last name, email, and institution or other. Registration no later than Monday 13 of June. We will provide you with a Zoom link on Tuesday 14 of June to the registered email.

Visual interpretation: An illustrated image with light grey background and the headline “Welcome to a webinar about the European Human Rights System!” In the middle of the image there is a red computer with a silhouette of a person showing on the computer and a symbol of a hand clicking on the computer, and under it the text “The nexus between human rights, peace and security – 15 of June, 10:00-12:00 CET”.