Universal Periodic Review
UPR 4th cycle Sweden 2025
Climate activists and freedom of assembly
Hate crime
Legal and institutional reform
Racial and ethnic discrimination
Rights of the indigenous Sámi people
Rights of migrants and asylum seekers
Rights of older persons
Rights of persons with disabilities
Roma minority rights
Surveillance measures and the right to integrity
Truth comissions
Additional information
Universal Periodic Review 2025 – Comments from Amnesty Sápmi Sweden
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism in the UN’s Human Rights Council where each member state undergoes a peer review. The review is based on reporting on the actions taken by the member state to protect and improve its human rights situation. Furthermore the review is an opportunity to recommend future actions to promote human rights, rule of law, and democracy. This is a cyclical process and each state is reviewed every 4.5 years.
Sweden is up for its 4th periodic review, which will take place in May 2025. Before the review, the government has submitted a national report on its compliance to human rights. Civil society, NHRI, the Sámi Parliament and other non-governmental organizations have also contributed with reports to the UPR.
The Swedish Foundation for Human Rights coordinated the Joint CSO submission for the 4th periodic review of Sweden.
More information:
UPR info, a civil society organisation in Genève supports the civil society in the UPR-process. More information about Sweden and UPR: Sweden | UPR info
The UN page regarding UPR: Universal Periodic Review | OHCHR